Sunday, October 10, 2010

How to install imhangul on Ubuntu 10.04

This post is a little outdated, and I think that ibus is better than imhangul or nabi.
See my post to get how to install ibus (and ibus-hangul). 08-31-2011


I tried to use ibus that is the default input method from Ubuntu, but, as for me, it's too hard to to write Korean. After that, I tried nabi, and I failed again. I think, as a Korean, Imhangul is a lot easier to install and type in than nabi and ibus.

Anyway, first of all, let's install imhangul using Synaptic Package Manager or

sajang@yang:~$ sudo apt-get install imhangul

After the installation run the below command:

sajang@yang:~$ im-switch -c imhangul

There are 9 candidates which provide IM for /home/sajang/.xinput.d/en_US:

  Selection    Alternative
 +    1        default
      2        default-xim
      3        ibus
      4        imhangul
      5        lo-gtk
      6        nabi
      7        none
      8        th-gtk
      9        th-xim
System wide default for en_US (or all_ALL) locale is marked with [+].
Press enter to keep the current selection[*], or type selection number: 4


Or, you can select the above from "System" -> "Administration" -> "Language Support" ->"Keyboard input method system", and choose "imhangul" there.

Now, restart.

After that, you may want to display the input status on the status bar (launch panel). Put the mouse pointer on the launch panel(status bar), and press the right button, and select "Add to Panel", and select "imhangul status applet"

You may want to change the applet's theme. I have changed the "Mac" style for the theme as above.



  1. thanks, i needed to add korean output on my fluxbox, this worked.

  2. Oh, you're welcome.
    I'm glad that this post was helpful.
